Described by The New York Times as "the gold standard in office seating," the Freedom...
A versatile stool featuring a large seat and a ring operated adjustable seat height. Available...
FEATURES: Ergo Seat (round seat) Adjustable seat height Depth adjustable seat slide Ratchet height adjustable...
The Buro Mentor offers the latest in contemporary and ergonomic design. The Mentor is a...
The Spark with PostureSoft™ lumbar support makes a best seller even better. The PostureSoft™ lumbar...
The HAG SoFi High Back Task Chair is a striking and timeless ergonomic chair for...
Sit down, lean back and feel good. The Giroflex 313 chair is as flexible as...
The Konfurb Harmony Drafting is an active seating office chair that is designed to improve...
The Konfurb Harmony 5 Star is an active seating office chair that is designed to...
Using less to achieve more, the Konfurb Luna office chair is uncomplicated in its design....