February 11, 2016

Keeping the Jouy of Your Yoga Practice

Okay, so I’m ready for my yoga practice. I’ve turned off my phone so I can have complete focus. I’ve rolled out my mat; blocks, straps and bolsters are ready for action, and today, I’ve  promised myself  I’m going to do better than I did in my last session.

Yes! My postures are getting deeper and I achieve a new level of flexibility that I previously thought unattainable.

However I am beginning to notice that more and more my yoga seems to be a bit of a chore. It’s become another one of those routine things that I do in life.

Where’s the magic? Where’s my motivation gone?

When I ask myself these questions, I see that my life is often filled with the stress of expectation to succeed, and if I take this stress with me into my yoga, it often loses the purpose for which it was intended.

So rather than striving to perfect my practice, I’ve begun taking the time to slow down and simply enjoy my yoga and at the same time, allow my yoga to enjoy me. I’m now including more asanas like Vajrasana (thunderbolt pose) and Balasana; (child's pose) taking time to breathe easefully and be still, such that I give myself more of an opportunity to savour the benefits and relish every moment.

It’s more important for me to finish each session with a feeling of groundedness and wellbeing rather than striving to perfect a highly advanced asana. I know the more I can enjoy something the more motivated I will be to make it a priority in my life.

I guess it’s making yoga work for me. When I take delight in my yoga practice, the benefits seep into all areas of my life.

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