Neck Exercise

Welcome to the neck exercise, here you will find a number of exercises which help prevent computer related injury. They need to be practiced regularly to have a lasting effect.

As with all exercise, you need to listen to your body, keep the back of the neck and spine lengthened and the rib cage lifted. Remember to breathe as you work with the different exercises.

Click here to purchase Stretch Poster & Stretch Cards.

Neck Stretch
• Lengthens and stretches neck muscles.
• Releases tightness due to poor posture.

Step 1: Sit comfortably. With your shoulders relaxed and your chin towards your chest, turn your chin to the right shoulder as far as is comfortable. Do not compress the back of the neck. Hold for about 30 seconds, repeat to the other side.

Sit comfortablySit comfortably 2

Step 2:
Sit comfortably, shoulders relaxed. Take your ear down towards your right shoulder, relaxing the neck as much as possible. Feel the stretch on the opposite side. Hold for about 30 seconds and release. Repeat to the other side.

Take your ear down towards your right shoulderTake your ear down towards your left shoulder

Step 3:
Sitting comfortably, lift the sternum and chin towards the ceiling . Allow the head to drop back as far as is comfortable. Relax the shoulders. Exhale, bring the head back to center, then drop the chin towards the chest, allowing the back of the neck to lengthen. Hold, release.

Seated Spinal Stretch 1Seated Spinal Stretch 2

Stretch Poster & Stretch Cards are available to purchase from the links below

The Office Stretch Cards
The Office Stretch Cards

The Office Stretch Cards

Stretch Poster wellbeing@work
Stretch Poster wellbeing@work
Stretch Poster wellbeing@work

Stretch Poster wellbeing@work
